In this study, three deacidification methods, including twice alkali refining (TAR), ethanol solvent extraction (ESE) and molecular distillation-alkali refining (MDR), were compared and applied to deacidify rapeseed oil with simulated high acid value to the maximum deacidification degree. The optimal deacidification conditions to achieve such degree were also investigated. Adlay bran oil with high acid value was used for verification. The obtained results revealed that the maximum deacidification degree of alkali refining deacidification was 60 mgKOH/g. The TAR could deacidify the acid value to 0.111 mgKOH/g after optimising these three methods, while the ESE and MDR could deacidify the acid value to 3.158 mgKOH/g and 0.280 mgKOH/g, respectively. Meanwhile, the total yields for TAR, ESE and MDR were 34.82%, 47.77% and 57.45%, respectively. The best deacidification method was MDR as follows: evaporator temperature 165 ℃, internal condenser temperature 30 ℃, and 365 r/min wiper speed. The optimal alkali refining conditions were determined as follows: deacidify at 0 ℃, using 60 g/L NaOH solution, and 100 g/L NaCl eluent. The adlay bran oil with high acid value (63.41 mgKOH/g) had a yield of 57.05% and its acid value decreased from 63.41 to 0.441 mgKOH/g after deacidification under these conditions, which corresponded fairly well to the rapeseed oil with simulated high acid value. Overall, the results confirmed that the MDR developed in current study was feasible for deacidifying the rapeseed oil with simulated high acid value.
XU Yao
CHEN Guangjing
WANG Shasha
LI Changfeng
KAN Jianquan
. Optimization and comparison of different deacidification methods for rapeseed oil with simulated high acid value[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(2)
: 143
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.017402
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