To reveal the effects of various physicochemical factors on pit mud bacteria and their correlations, differences in physicochemical factors and total bacteria count among degraded, normal, and high-quality Nongxiang flavored pit mud were investigated. The results revealed that the contents of moisture, ammonium nitrogen, calcium, and iron in these three pit mud exhibited significant differences (P<0.05). The contents of calcium and iron in degraded pit mud were 1.90-6.65 and 6.56-24.95 times higher than that in normal and high-quality pit mud, respectively, while other physicochemical indicators showed opposite results. There were no significant differences in pH, humus, available phosphorus and potassium, magnesium, and total bacteria count between degraded and normal pit mud (P>0.05). Compared with high-quality pit mud, there were marked differences in normal pit mud (P<0.05) except magnesium. Principle component analysis (PCA) showed that physicochemical factors in pit mud had clear correlations with the quality of pit mud. The relevance results indicated that the total bacteria count in the pit mud was positively correlated with moisture, pH, ammonium nitrogen, available phosphorus, humus, and available potassium, while it was significantly negatively correlated with the contents of magnesium, calcium, and iron.
WANG Yanli
MENG Yajing
HE Hongkui
ZHANG Huimin
LIU Guoying
LI Jingxin
. Correlation between physicochemical factors and total bacterial count indifferent grades of Nongxiang flavored pit mud[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(3)
: 89
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.018089
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