This study aimed to explore the effect of pH shift on odor characteristics of fish protein. Scomberomorus niphonius was used as the research object in raw and cooked states. The proximate composition and amino acid composition of raw meat, water washing surimi (WM), acid-aided protein isolates samples(AC), and alkali-aided protein isolates samples(AK) were compared. The odor characteristics of AC and AK were focused. Electronic nose (E-nose) was used to determine the differences in odor profiles of the four samples. The odor substances were further quantified by solid phase microextraction-gas chromatography mass spectrometry (SPME-GC-MS). The results showed that E-nose could effectively distinguish the odor profiles of the four cooked samples. Compared to raw meat, the differences in odor profiles from the largest to the smallest: WM>AC>AK. Compared with cooked samples, raw samples had the same variability but less discrimination. Further quantitative analysis showed that twenty-six, nineteen, twenty-three, and twenty-two volatile compounds were detected in four raw samples. Twenty-three, twenty-six, thirty-two, and twenty-four volatile compounds were detected in four cooked samples. Aldehydes, ketones, and alcohols were the main volatile compounds in all samples. Compared with raw meat, the kinds and contents of alcohols and ketones in other processed samples changed, and there was a big difference between cooked and raw samples. It was concluded that pH shift could effectively reduce the fishy off-flavor of Scomberomorus niphonius. The fish protein isolates had better odor characteristics than WM. Therefore, protein sources with heavy fishy off-flavor could use this method to make proteins have good odor and have high protein content and low lipid content etc., providing a theoretical basis for its further processing.
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