The flavor of fermented meat rice during different fermentation periods were determined by E-tongue and E-nose. The data was analyzed by principal components analysis (PCA), discriminate factor analysis (DFA) and radar charts. The results showed that different fermentation time had great impacts on the flavor of fermented meat rice. Both E-tongue and E-nose could be used to analyze the flavor changes in fermented meat rice during different fermentation periods. Moreover, DFA could better distinguish the changes in flavor substances of fermented meat rice than PCA. Furthermore, the radar charts could directly show the variation of flavor substances.
BAI Juan
WANG Xuerui
XUE Shuanshuan
WANG Chengming
. Flavor analysis of fermented meat rice based on E-tongue and E-nose[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(3)
: 270
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.017848
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