Research progress on quality deterioration mechanisms and preservativetechniques of green tea, oolong tea, and black tea during storage

  • WANG Jinjin ,
  • YUAN Haibo ,
  • DENG Yuliang ,
  • HUA Jinjie ,
  • DONG Chunwang ,
  • JIANG Yongwen
  • 1 (National Engineering Technology Research Center for Tea Industry (Tea Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences), Hangzhou 310008, China)
    2 (Key Laboratory of Tea Biology and Resources Utilization Ministry of Agriculture (Tea ResearchInstitute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences), Hangzhou 310008, China)
    3 (Key Laboratory of Tea Processing Engineering of Zhejiang Province (Tea Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences), Hangzhou 310008, China)

Received date: 2018-03-13

  Online published: 2019-03-11


Tea production has a strong timeliness and seasonal characteristics. As tea is porous, this makes it very susceptible to the environment during long-term storage. As one of the three most popular drinks in the world, tea is favored by consumers. Therefore, maintaining the quality of tea during storage has an important role in improving the value of tea commodity and promoting the development of tea industries in China. In recent years, various preservative techniques have arisen based on the reasons of quality changes during storage. This research summarized the mechanisms of quality deterioration of green tea, oolong tea, and black tea by discussing oxidative degradation of tea polyphenols, amino acids, vitamin C, chlorophyll, lipid, and other substances. Factors that affect tea quality during storage, such as moisture, temperature, oxidation, and light exposure were also reviewed. The preservative techniques of tea, including drying, refrigeration, deoxygenation, and bio-preservation etc. were discussed in detail. Further research direction in terms of tea preservation was prospected. This study provided scientific guidance for studying new technology for tea storage.

Key words: tea; quality; storage; preservation

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WANG Jinjin , YUAN Haibo , DENG Yuliang , HUA Jinjie , DONG Chunwang , JIANG Yongwen . Research progress on quality deterioration mechanisms and preservativetechniques of green tea, oolong tea, and black tea during storage[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019 , 45(3) : 281 -287 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.017261


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