The Yunnan soft rice was used as the raw material and quantitatively compared with common indica rice, japonica rice, and glutinous rice in terms of their cooking qualities and textures of their cold cooked rice. The Yunnan soft rice was also used to produce the instant rice. The results showed that the comprehensive sensory quality of soft rice was better than that of the other three rice varieties. The cooking characteristics of soft rice were very different from those of ordinary indica rice and japonica rice. When placed at 4°C for 24 h, the increase in hardness and decrease in viscosity of soft rice were significantly lower than those of indica rice and japonica rice. This means that the degree of cold rice rejuvenation of soft rice was much lower than indica rice and japonica rice. The instant rice made of soft rice prepared under the optimal process conditions was compared against the commercially available instant rice made of japonica rice. The rehydration evaluation result of instant rice made of soft rice was better than the commercial one. In vitro digestion studies showed that the instant rice made of soft rice and japonica rice had similar hydrolysis rate patterns. Both of them had a glycemic index (GI) above 90, which belong to high- glycemic food.
ZHAO Jianqiu
LIN Zhitong
ZHANG Dongxia
ZHANG Shurong
. Study on the edible qualities of Yunnan soft rice and its hot-air dried instant rice[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(4)
: 152
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.017439
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