The relationship between the quality of wheat flour and the characteristics of chongqing noodles

  • ZHANG Shuai ,
  • TONG Fang ,
  • LEI Wen ,
  • SHUAI Tiangang ,
  • ZHONG Geng
  • 1(College of Food Science, Southwest University, Chongqing 400716, China)
    2(Chongqing Special Food Engineering Technology Research Center, Chongqing 400716, China)

Received date: 2018-06-03

  Online published: 2019-03-26


This study compared the physicochemical properties of seven kinds of commercially available flour for making Chongqing noodles and the characteristics of Chongqing noodles. They were compared against three kinds of household common flour, three kinds of tailored flour for Lanzhou ramen as well as Chongqing noodles made from tailored flour for Lanzhou ramen. The relationship between the characteristics of Chongqing noodles and the quality of its wheat flour was analysed. The results showed that compared with the other two kinds of flour, there were lower contents of protein, wet gluten, and glutenin in tailored flour for Chongqing noodles, while the content of gliadin was found higher in flour for making Chongqing noodles. Therefore, the internal gluten network of Chongqing noodles was soft, with relatively poor hardness, elasticity, and chewiness. The texture properties of Chongqing noodles were soft, sticky, and easy to chew. In comparison to other two types of flour, a high content of amylose and high swelling potential were found in flour for making Chongqing noodles, with lower peak viscosity and peak time. These properties of this flour made Chongqing noodles good for expanding and gelatinizing during cooking. The water absorption rate, dry matter, and protein loss rate of Chongqing noodles were high because its gluten structure was prone to be destroyed, and the starch particles wrapped in the gluten network were easily dissolved. This resulted in more gaps present in the gluten network, which made the texture of Chongqing noodles soft and loose. Additionally, more flavorings could be adsorbed into the gaps of the gluten network. Besides, the viscosity of the noodles’ surface was high, which caused the flavorings could easily attach to the surface of noodles. This led to an excellent taste of Chongqing noodles.

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ZHANG Shuai , TONG Fang , LEI Wen , SHUAI Tiangang , ZHONG Geng . The relationship between the quality of wheat flour and the characteristics of chongqing noodles[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019 , 45(4) : 158 -166 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.017945


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