In this study, plated streaks were used to separate and purify cultures to obtain epiphytic bacteria, genomic DNA was extracted, 16S rDNA was amplified by PCR, the gene was sequenced, phylogenetic tree was constructed for cluster analysis, and morphological observation was performed to determine the species of strains. The epiphyte bacteria with antibacterial activity were screened. After fermenting the selected target strains, crude extracts were obtained by solvent extraction, and the fermentation products were analyzed by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) to determine their structures. The results showed that nine strains of epiphyte were isolated and identified from the Xiahei grapes. Among them, BDG-5 and BDD-2 had significant antibacterial activities. They were Pseudomonas paralactis and Bacillus velezensis, respectively. ESI-MS showed that P.paralactis fermentation products contained cyclolipopeptides surfactin and iturin C. B.velezensis produced lipopeptides surfactin, iturin A, and bacillinomycin D. These cyclolipopeptides were the main substances possessed antibacterial activity.
FENG Yuyan
LIU Xiaofan
FAN Qing
CHEN Kaiye
HU Yimin
XIN Zhihong
. Screening,identification,and structure characterization of grape epiphytic bacteria[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(5)
: 31
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.017826
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