Biolog-ECO microorganism analysis system was used to analyze the metabolic characteristics of the microbe, together with diversity characteristic analysis and GC-MS analysis to detect volatile flavor compounds, the flavor and microorganism characteristics of traditional goat ham with or without microbial starter culture were compared. The results showed that the AWCD (average well color development) in products with microbial starter culture was significantly higher than those without starter culture. In addition, products with microbial starter culture had higher utilization rates of 6 kinds of carbon source. The order of microorganisms utilizing 6 carbon sources was as follows: alcohols>esters>amino acids>polymers>acids>amines. Flavor components characteristic analysis also showed that there were significant differences between products made with natural drying method and those with microbial starter culture. There were up to 41 flavor compounds in products with starter culture, while only 25 compounds in those made with natural drying method. In particular, products with microbial starter culture were more abundant in types and levels of alcohols, aldehydes, and esters. Furthermore, the microbial starter culture SM-194 played a more prominent role with longer storage period.
ZHANG Jiamin
JI Lili
BAI Ting
LIU Dayu
. Characteristics of microbial starter culture and its effects on the flavor of goat ham[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(5)
: 61
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.018649
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