Research progress on carotenoid aroma precursors in tea

  • CHEN Li ,
  • YE Yulong ,
  • WANG Chunyan ,
  • YAN Jingna ,
  • TONG Huarong
  • (College of Food Science,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715,China)

Online published: 2019-03-25


Carotenoids in tea participate in forming the color and aroma of tea. β-ionone, β-damascenone, theaspirone, and nerolidol produced by oxidative degradation of carotenoids account for 4.3%-46.5% of the total aroma content of finished tea, which are important parts of tea aroma. This paper summarized the mechanisms of oxidative degradation of carotenoids in tea, the qualitative and quantitative analysis methods of carotenoids and their aroma derivatives, as well as the effects of tea varieties and processing techniques on the contents of carotenoids etc. It provides a useful reference for researches on the effects of carotenoids on tea aroma.

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CHEN Li , YE Yulong , WANG Chunyan , YAN Jingna , TONG Huarong . Research progress on carotenoid aroma precursors in tea[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019 , 45(5) : 266 -273 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.017973


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