The Antarctic krill was used as a raw material to study its enzymolysis and spray drying process, as well as the nutritional composition indexes of its protein powder. The results showed that the optimal processing parameters to digest Antarctic krill using papain were as follows: papain enzyme (3 000 U/g protein) per 100 g Antarctic krill, the ratio of solid to liquid was 1:2, at 55 ℃ and pH=6.5 for 2 h. The optimal spray drying condition to process Antarctic Krill enzymatic hydrolysate was 25% hydrolysate , 180 ℃ inlet air, feeding at 30 ℃ and 12 mL/min. Antarctic krill protein powder was white and had strong hygroscopicity. Antarctic krill protein powder was low in fat and rich in minerals. Researches on Antarctic krill and its high value-added products have promising development prospects.
WANG Lingyun
DENG Shanggui
LI Yujin
HUO Jiancong
XIE Zhuoxuan
XU Yanjuan
. A preparation process to produce Antarctic krill protein powder[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(6)
: 133
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.017915
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