Amino acids contents in three fresh-edible corns harvested at three different times from milk stage to dough stage (sweet corn S1-3, waxy corn W1-3, common corn C1-3) were analyzed. The chemical score of amino acids were calculated for nutritional analysis. The results showed that in all samples, Glu was the most abundant amino acid, followed by Ala, Leu, and Asp. Correlation analysis based on seventeen amino acids in nine samples showed that amino acids were all positively correlated with each other, except Cys. Two principle components (PCs) were extracted and explained 83.2% and 13.2% of the total variance using principle component analysis (PCA). Waxy corn samples on PC1 located between sweet corn and common corn samples. Sample scores on PC2 were arranged according to their harvest time, i.e. C3>C2>C1, W3>W2>W1, and S3>S2>S1. By analyzing the loading data of amino acids on PC1 and PC2, the information extracted by PC1 mainly showed the differences in amino acid contents among different cultivars (S>W>C). Furthermore, PC2 indicated the common characters of amino acid changes during corn harvesting, which mainly showed as increasing in Cys and decreasing in Ala. Differences in chemical scores of samples showed that sulfur containing amino acids had the largest differences, with C3 had the highest value and S1 had the lowest. These results would be valuable to evaluate the flavor and nutritional values of fresh-edible corns as well as their utilization.
NIU Liying
LIU Chunju
LI Dajing
SONG Jiangfeng
LIU Chunquan
. Analysis of amino acids in fresh-edible corns harvested at different time[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(6)
: 209
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.017909
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