In order to establish an accurate,rapid and efficient method to authenticate of Tricholoma matsutake and Hygrophorus russula(Fr.)Quel. by using HS-SPME-GC-MS.The results showed that a total of 74 and 72 volatile flavor compounds were identified in Tricholoma matsutake and Hygrophorus russula(Fr.)Quel. Tricholoma matsutake detected 14 kinds of characteristic aroma components, including 6 kinds of aldehydes (such as acetaldehyde and heptaldehyde),1 kind of ketones(2(5H)-furanone), 1 kind of alcohols(3-phenyl-1-propanol), 2 kinds of esters(ethyl caproate and valerolactone), 4 kinds of olkenes (such as g-terpinene,terpinolene).Sixteen kinds of characteristic aroma components were detected in Hygrophorus russula(Fr.)Quel, including 4 kinds of ketones(such as 3-hydroxy-2-butanone, methylheptenone,etc.),5 kinds of alcohols(such as 1-butanol,2-butoxyethanol,etc.),1 kinds of esters(2-methyl-, 1-(2-hydroxy-1-methylethyl)-2,2-dimethylpropyl ester),3 kinds of carboxylic acids (isobutyric acid,butyric acid,etc.),1 kind of phenols(o-cresol),1 kind of ethers(2-butoxyethanol), 1 kind of nitrogenous compounds (1-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone). The key volatile aroma components of Hygrophorus russula(Fr.)Quel were hexaldehyde,3-hydroxy-2-butanone,1-octen-3. one,3-methylenedihydro-2(3H)-furanone,isovalericacid. The key volatile aroma components of Tricholoma matsutake were isovaleraldehyde,heptaldehyde,1-nonanal,2,5-2-methylpyrazine,2,6-2-methylpyrazine. Comparing Tricholoma matsutake and Hygrophorus russula(Fr.)Quel in terms of their relative contents of volatile flavor compounds,the main volatile flavor compounds in Tricholoma matsutake was aldehydes>olkenes>alcohols> esters,the main volatile flavor compounds in Hygrophorus russula(Fr.)Quel was aldehydes>alcohols>olkenes>esters.Based on comparative analysis of volatile flavor compounds of the dried Tricholoma matsutake and Hygrophorus russula(Fr.)Quel, a theoretical foundation for rapid inspection and identification of two kinds of products sold in the market was laid.
LUO Zhang
LIU Zhendong
LI Liang
. Analysis of volatile flavor compounds in Tricholoma matsutake and Hygrophorus russula(Fr.)Quel. by using HS-SPME-GC-MS[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(6)
: 225
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.018202
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