Application of immunoassay technique in detecting new type lean meat powder residues

  • WANG Yao ,
  • CAO Jinbo ,
  • CHEN Xi ,
  • LI Yanhong ,
  • CHEN Xiujin ,
  • LI Zhaozhou ,
  • DENG Ruiguang ,
  • HU Xiaofei
  • 1(College of Food and Bioengineering, National Demonstration Center for Experimental Food Processing and Safety Education, Henan University of Science & Technology, Luoyang 471023, China)
    2 (Key Laboratory for Animal Immunology of the Ministry of Agriculture, Henan Key Laboratory of Animal Immunology, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhengzhou 450002, China)

Received date: 2018-06-27

  Online published: 2019-04-18


In recent years, some new types of lean meat powder are used illegally for livestock and poultry breeding, such as phenylethanolamine A, cyproheptadine, clonidine etc. These drugs added in animal feeds and drinking water can effectively promote the growth of livestock, improve the ratio of lean meat, and reduce the production cost. However, their residues in meat products could accumulate in human bodies and generate cumulative toxicity. Immunoassay technology uses high affinity antibodies to recognize antigen specifically and with high sensitivity. At present, it is one of the hot spots in fast detection methods. It has been used in rapid detection of traditional lean meat powder, but its application in detecting new lean meat powder is still in its infancy. In this paper, using immunoassay technique to detect new lean meat powder residues was reviewed, and its future development direction was prospected.

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WANG Yao , CAO Jinbo , CHEN Xi , LI Yanhong , CHEN Xiujin , LI Zhaozhou , DENG Ruiguang , HU Xiaofei . Application of immunoassay technique in detecting new type lean meat powder residues[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019 , 45(6) : 231 -235 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.018137


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