An oil in water (O/W) based special releasing agent for bakery was prepared by emulsifying palm olein based material and supported by bee wax. The optimal formula and emulsification process were obtained by using single factor experiment and central composite design (CCD) response surface methodology. The results showed that the optimal formula and emulsification process were as follows: 5.05% (mass fraction) palm wax, 4% (mass fraction) lecithin, 2.16% (mass fraction) polyglycerol polyricinoleate (PGPR)-glyceryl monosterate (the composite ratio of PGPR to glyceryl monosterate was 2∶3), 0.4% (mass fraction) composite stabilizer (the composite ratio of carrageenan to xanthan to gum to guar gum of the compounded stabilizer was 1∶1∶2.5), 70.7% (mass fraction) water, and emulsified for 1 min at 65.0 ℃ with a homogenizing rate of 10 000 r/min. After optimization, the viscosity, emulsification separation ratio, and the cake adhesion rate of the releasing agent were 482 mPa·s, 2.39%, and 0.427%, respectively. The releasing effect of the mold was good.
WANG Ranran
LI Fang
WEI Yang
YI Ruokun
NIU Yueting
. Preparation of a palm olein and bee wax based special baking mold releasing agent[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(7)
: 250
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.018639
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