
Flavor contribution of Pixian horsebean to Yuxiang sauce based on electronic nose and GC-MS

  • YI Yuwen ,
  • HU Jinxiang ,
  • YANG Jinjun ,
  • LIU Yang ,
  • PENG Yiqin ,
  • WU Huachang ,
  • QIAO Mingfeng ,
  • DENG Jing
  • 1(Culinary Science Key Laboratory of Sichuan ProvinceSichuan Tourism University, Chengdu 610100,China)
    2(Sichuan Tourism University, Chengdu 610100,China)

Received date: 2018-07-18

  Revised date: 2018-08-30

  Online published: 2019-05-14


In this study, E-nose, HS-SPME-GC-MS, and sensory evaluation were used to analyze the flavor contribution of Pixian horsebean from different aging years to Yuxiang (fish-like flavour) sauce. The results showed that a total of 68 flavor compounds were identified by GC-MS, including seven alcohols, 24 terpene hydrocarbons, 18 aldehydes, 12 sulfides and seven other compounds. The qualitative and quantitative effects of horsebean from different years on the flavor compounds of Yuxiang sauce had significant differences. Principle component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CA) showed that the results of GC-MS, E-nose, and sensory evaluation agreed with each other. Partial least squares (PLS) showed that esters and other compounds in horsebean were correlated with the ester flavor of Yuxiang sauce. These findings indicated that a method combined GC-MS, E-nose, and sensory evaluation with chemometrics could evaluate the flavor of Yuxiang sauce thoroughly, and therefore it can be used to comprehensively evaluate food flavor.

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YI Yuwen , HU Jinxiang , YANG Jinjun , LIU Yang , PENG Yiqin , WU Huachang , QIAO Mingfeng , DENG Jing . Flavor contribution of Pixian horsebean to Yuxiang sauce based on electronic nose and GC-MS[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019 , 45(7) : 276 -283 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.018309


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