Optimized conditions to produce antroquinonol in millet-based solid-statefermentation of Antrodia cinnamomea

  • HU Pengfei ,
  • CHEN Lei ,
  • XU Ganrong ,
  • ZHANG Bobo
  • (Key Laboratory of Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biotechnology, School of Biotechnology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China)

Received date: 2018-12-24

  Online published: 2019-06-06


Antrodia cinnamomea is a medicinal and edible fungi that has significant biological activities. Antroquinonol is one of the characteristic products during solid-state fermentation of A. cinnamomea, and it has excellent anti-cancer effect. In order to improve the ability of A.cinnamomea to produce antroquinonol during fermentation, various kinds of grains were used as substrates, and millet was found to be the best. The fermentation time, initial moisture content, inoculation amount, and exogenous nitrogen source were systematically studied by single factor experiments, followed by process optimization by Design-Expert response surface design. The results showed that the best antroquinonol-producing condition was as follows: millet as the solid substrate, 21% inoculation amount, 82.4 mL/L soybean hydrolysate, 41% initial moisture content, and cultured for 25 d. Under this condition, the yield of antroquinonol was the highest to date (1340.7 mg/kg), which was 4.1 times higher than that of control (325.0 mg/kg). This study provides a theoretical basis for industries to use A. cinnamomea that produces bioactive compounds by solid-state fermentation.

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HU Pengfei , CHEN Lei , XU Ganrong , ZHANG Bobo . Optimized conditions to produce antroquinonol in millet-based solid-statefermentation of Antrodia cinnamomea[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019 , 45(9) : 137 -144 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.019728


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