Proteins from Moringa oleifera seeds have high nutritional value. This study aimed to investigate the effects of ultrasonic power, liquid-solid ratio, and NaCl concentration on ultrasonic-assisted extraction of proteins from defatted Moringa oleifera seeds. When the concentration of NaCl increased from 0 to 0.250 mol/L, the protein extractability increased rapidly from 7.78% to 70.68%, indicating that Moringa seed proteins were mainly salt-soluble proteins. The response surface analysis showed that liquid-solid ratio affected the protein extractability the most, followed by pH and NaCl concentration. The maximal protein extractability (88.09%) was achieved under the following condition: conducted an ultrasonic treatment at 120 W for 15 min with a liquid to solid ratio of 60∶1 and 1.10 mol/L NaCl, and at pH of 6.30, repeated this procedure for twice. The supernatant obtained under this condition was salted out with 4.27 mol/L NaCl at pH=10.00, which resulted 86.80% precipitation rate, and the purity of proteins reached 96.22%. Therefore, highly efficient extraction of proteins from Moringa oleifera seeds could be achieved using an ultrasonic-assisted approach, which provides theoretical and technical supports for developing and using Moringa oleifera seeds′ proteins.
LI Chongyang
ZHONG Jinfeng
QIN Xiaoli
. Ultrasonic-assisted highly efficient extraction of proteins fromMoringa oleifera seeds[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(9)
: 207
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.018810
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