Effects of β-glucan on traditional highland barley wine fermentation

  • YOU Maolan ,
  • DENG Jing ,
  • QIN Xiaoli ,
  • JIN Jianbo ,
  • YE Zhengrong ,
  • YI Chuanhu ,
  • LIU Xiong
  • 1(College of Food Science, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China)
    2(Qamdo Institute of Agricultural Science, Qamdo 854000, China)
    3(Qamdo Jun Qin Agricultural Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd, Qamdo 854000, China)

Received date: 2019-01-10

  Online published: 2019-06-17


This research studied the effects of β-glucan on traditional highland barley wine fermentation. The dynamic changes in total sugar, β-glucan, and ethanol during fermentation, as well as the distribution of nutrients in traditional highland barley wine and distiller's grains were investigated. It was found that the total sugar content in the wine cellar increased first and then decreased, the β-glucan content gradually decreased while the alcohol content gradually increased, and some β-glucan dissolved into the highland barley wine with increasing fermentation time. On the other hand, the distiller's grains were enriched with protein, crude fiber, total sugar, β-glucan (8.42 g/100g), and amino acids (16 570 mg/100g). Moreover, the starch hydrolysis rate, the level of reducing sugar, and the amount of alcohol produced decreased significantly with increasing β-glucan (P<0.05). Besides, β-glucan was partially degraded during alcoholic fermentation. In conclusion, the encapsulation effect of β-glucan on starch delayed or inhibited starch hydrolysis dose-dependently. This study provides a scientific reference for improving the brewing quality of traditional highland barley wine and also for high value utilization of distiller's grains.

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YOU Maolan , DENG Jing , QIN Xiaoli , JIN Jianbo , YE Zhengrong , YI Chuanhu , LIU Xiong . Effects of β-glucan on traditional highland barley wine fermentation[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019 , 45(10) : 149 -154 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.019921


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