Fresh squids were frozen by four different methods: refrigerator freezing, plate freezing, spiral freezing, and ultra-low temperature cold storage freezing. The influences of different freezing methods on squids quality were analyzed by measuring their freezing time and physicochemical indexes. Besides, water fluidity and microstructure of the squids were measured by low-field nuclear magnetic resonance (LF-NMR) and optical microscope. The results indicated that the time length of forming the biggest ice crystals in squids by refrigerator freezing, plate freezing, ultra-low temperature cold storage freezing, and spiral freezing were 171 min, 56 min, 26 min, and 18 min, respectively. Moreover, the color, pH, texture properties, MDA value, LF-NMR and microstructure of spiral frozen squids were relatively close to the fresh sample. Furthermore, the squids frozen by ultra-low temperature cold storage had the best water-holding capacity, and squids frozen by refrigerator freezing had the best springiness. Overall, the spiral freezing method showed better frozen quality than other methods, which provides a reference for optimizing the frozen storage process of squids in the future.
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