Postharvest physiological and biochemical changes and preservationtechniques of Toona sinensis

  • HU Xin ,
  • LIU Xiaoli ,
  • HE Mengya ,
  • ZHAO Wei ,
  • ZHAO Ziyu ,
  • YANG Jingxia ,
  • QU Changqing
  • 1(Engineering Technology Research Center of Anti-aging Chinese Herbal Medicine of Anhui Province, Fuyang 236037, China)
    2(School of Biology and Food Engineering, Fuyang Normal University, Fuyang 236037, China)

Received date: 2018-11-14

  Online published: 2019-07-08


As a kind of woody vegetable, Toona sinensis has been widely loved for its high nutritional value. Due to improved people's living standard and general concern for food safety, new requirements for preserving Toona sinensis have been proposed. This paper reviewed researches in recent years on postharvest physiological changes, physical, chemical, and biological methods to preserve Toona sinensis, analyzed the changes in postharvest quality and physiological and biochemical indexes of Toona sinensis. Moreover, future preservation methods and research directions of Toona sinensis were prospected. The purpose of this review was to provide a theoretical reference for prolonging the storage period and improving the economic value of Toona sinensis, as well as studying the processing and preservation technology of Toona sinensis to provide a reference for preserving woody vegetables.

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HU Xin , LIU Xiaoli , HE Mengya , ZHAO Wei , ZHAO Ziyu , YANG Jingxia , QU Changqing . Postharvest physiological and biochemical changes and preservationtechniques of Toona sinensis[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019 , 45(11) : 286 -291 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.019326


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