Antioxidant activities of enzymatic hydrolysates of Meretrix meretrix L. with different molecular weights were compared, and the enzymatic hydrolysate components with low molecular weight (LMEC) were analyzed. A stable double-enzyme hydrolysis technique with flavor protease and neutral protease to prepare Meretrix meretrix L. hydrolysates was established. The LMEC presented relatively good antioxidant activities, as their total reducing power was 54.16%, and its maximum scavenging rates of hydroxyl radicals, DPPH free radicals and superoxide anions were 53.5%, 49%, and 47.7%, respectively. Besides, LMEC included 79% oligo-peptides with an average molecular weight of 1.05 kDa, and it was rich in Ala, Thr, Val, Leu, Pro, and Glu. According to UPLC-MS analysis, LMEC were speculated to have six possible peptides. This study provides a theoretical basis for understanding the antioxidant activity of Meretrix meretrix L. and also for separating active peptides in the future.
HU Dawei
LI Heng
DING Hailong
WANG Songtao
SHEN Caihong
XU Zhenghong
SHI Jinsong
. Antioxidant evaluation and composition characterization of enzymatic hydrolysates of Meretrix meretrix L.[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(12)
: 207
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.020295
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