There are many kinds of Mijiu products in China with different characteristics, therefore, exploring a reasonable classification method for Mijiu would be helpful to scientifically evaluate Mijiu. The classification and related characteristics of 10 typical Mijiu were studied by analyzing their physicochemical parameters, taste characteristics and volatile flavor components. Cluster analysis based on sugar and alcohol contents showed that Chinese Mijiu could be divided into two categories: low sugar high alcoholicity type and high sugar low alcoholicity type. This classification was more reasonable than that based only on sugar contents, and it was better correlated with the classification results based on volatile flavor components. Moreover, low sugar-high alcoholicity type Mijiu had higher alcohols and esters contents, while high sugar-low alcoholicity type Mijiu had less flavor components but relatively abundant aldehydes and furans. In conclusion, the analytical methods and results of this study can provide a basis for classifying Chinese Mijiu.
ZOU Lingbo
YU Haiyan
XU Yan
. Classification and characteristics of typical fermented Mijiu based on physicochemical parameters and flavor components[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(13)
: 78
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.020421
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