Quality characteristics of beef from various breeds

  • WANG Yao ,
  • NIU Lebao ,
  • ZHANG Yimin ,
  • LUO Xin ,
  • YANG Xiaoyin ,
  • LYU Zhong
  • 1College of Food Science and Engineering, Shandong Agricultural University, Tai’an 271018, China
    2 National Beef Cattle Industrial Technology System, Yanbian Station, Yanji 133000, China

Received date: 2018-12-24

  Online published: 2019-08-20


There are many cattle breeds in China, therefore, unravelling the characteristics of beef from different breeds is beneficial for developing and utilizing high quality cattle breeds. This paper summarized the research progress on the meat quality and nutrition of different types of beef, including meat color, meat tenderness, proteins, intramuscular fats, amino acids, fatty acids, minerals and vitamins etc. It was found that cattle (especially hybrid cattle) in China not only has high meat quality, but also accords with the requirements of consumers in terms of high protein and low fat and rich in minerals and nutritive amino acids. However, not much information is available for fatty acid content and composition, which needs further studies in the future.

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WANG Yao , NIU Lebao , ZHANG Yimin , LUO Xin , YANG Xiaoyin , LYU Zhong . Quality characteristics of beef from various breeds[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019 , 45(14) : 263 -269 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.019733


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