Effects of Origanum vulgate L. essential oil-chitosan composite coating combined with tea polyphenols on quality of Lateolabrax japonicus

  • ZHOU Qiang ,
  • DING Liyun ,
  • LIU Mengjia
  • 1College of Life Science and Chemistry, Fujian Normal University Minnan Science and Technology Institute, Quanzhou 362332,China
    2Jiangxi Fisheries Research Institute, Nanchang 330039,China

Online published: 2019-09-03


In order to prolong the shelf life of Lateolabrax japonicus, effects of synergistic treatment of biological preservation factors were studied. Lateolabrax japonicus was coated by Origanum vulgate L. essential oil and chitosan and stored in fluidized ice at -3 ℃ (treatment A), or coated by Origanum vulgate L. essential oil, chitosan, and tea polyphenols and stored in fluidized ice at -3 ℃ (treatment B). The results showed that compared against the control, both treatment groups could effectively delay increases in pH, TVB-N, total numbers of colony, K value and TBARS value of Lateolabrax japonicus, and significantly inhibited decreases in myofibrillar protein dissolution, Ca2+-ATPase and total sulfhydryl groups (P<0.05). At the end of storage (day 12), TVB-N, total numbers of colony and K values of treatment group B were 14.21 mg/100g, 3.22 lg (CFU/g), and 18.04%, respectively, indicated that treatment B could prolong the shelf life of Lateolabrax japonicus by about 6 d compared against the control, which provides data support and reference for preserving Lateolabrax japonicus at low temperature.

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ZHOU Qiang , DING Liyun , LIU Mengjia . Effects of Origanum vulgate L. essential oil-chitosan composite coating combined with tea polyphenols on quality of Lateolabrax japonicus [J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019 , 45(15) : 121 -126 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.020503


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