Optimized process of soybean curd preparation with addition of wheat gluten

  • ZHANG Yuqing ,
  • WU Fengfeng ,
  • SU Xueqian ,
  • YANG Tian ,
  • XU Xueming
  • 1School of Food Science and Technology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China
    2National Engineering Laboratory for Grain Fermentation and Technology, Wuxi 214122, Chian

Online published: 2019-09-03


This study aimed to develop a new type of soybean curd with wheat gluten added. Based on sensory score and water retention rate, the preparation process for the soybean curd was optimized according to the standing time, pressing time, gluten amount and coagulant amount. It was found that when pressed for 1.2 h, with 10% coagulant (w/w), stood for 20 min and used 60 g gluten, the water retention rate of the obtained curd was 75.18%, the gel strength was 95.99 g, and the yield was 183.55%. Compared with traditional soybean curd, the water retention rate and the yield increased by 8.39% and 38.36%, respectively, and hardness, elasticity and sensory score also improved. In conclusion, wheat gluten can improve the texture, yield, water retention and sensory quality of soybean curd, which not only broadens the application range of gluten, but also provides a reference for improving the quality of tofu and fermented bean curd in the future.

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ZHANG Yuqing , WU Fengfeng , SU Xueqian , YANG Tian , XU Xueming . Optimized process of soybean curd preparation with addition of wheat gluten[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019 , 45(15) : 136 -142 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.019574


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