In order to extend the shelf-life of sauced chicken claws in bulk, this study explored the effects of dry ice on the shelf-life of the claws. The dry ice was added on the 0th day, or on the 0th, 2nd and 4th day, or on the 0th and 3rd day. The total viable count, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances value (TBARS), TVB-N, pH, chroma, sensory evaluation and electronic nose analysis were measured. The results showed that the shelf-life of the chicken claws could be extended to 3 d after adding dry ice on day 0, and the shelf-life could be extended to 5 d by adding two or three times of dry ice, which was 3 d longer than that of the control. Moreover, the experimental groups had lower TBARS and TVB-N values and better color than control (P<0.05). Furthermore, the results of electronic nose were consistent with those of sensory groups, which showed that dry ice had good fresh-keeping effects. Therefore, it was concluded that dry ice can be used to prolong the shelf-life of sauced chicken claws in bulk, which provides a novel idea for preserving bulk sauced meat products.
DIAO Xinyue
NAN Jialian
HUAN Yanjun
MA Fei
. Effects of dry-ice modified atmosphere packaging on shelf-life of sauced chicken claws in bulk[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(15)
: 182
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.020331
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