The study was carried out to screen the most suitable packaging material for the preservation of Morchella. The artificially planted Morchella was used as a test material, and three kinds of packaging (microporous membrane, PE membrane and moisture permeable bag) were used and stored at 1 ℃, of which the physiological indexes and sensory quality were measured periodically. The microporous membrane packaging can reduce the weight loss of Morchella, decrease the respiratory intensity and lessen the browning degree compared with the PE membrane and the moisture-permeable bag. In addition, the soluble solid content and the polyphenol content of Morchella were also maintained at high levels when packed with microporous membrane. Moreover, microporous membrane could effectively lower the polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity and maintain the higher peroxidase(POD)activity. After 35 days of cold storage, the sensory score of Morchella packed with microporous membrane was higher than those of the control and other packaging treatment groups. Microporous membrane packing combined with cold storage at 1 ℃ showed the optimal effect on maintaining the quality of Morchella and prolonging the shelf, which has a good application prospect in the preservation of Morchella.
LI Ping
YU Jinze
ZHANG Zhijun
CONG Fangdi
. Effects of different packaging materials on the preservation of Morchella[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(23)
: 163
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.021658
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