The present study has established a laboratory method for the determination of three methylimidazoles (N-methylimidazole, 2-methylimidazole and 4-methylimidazole) in oyster sauce based on ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS). The samples were extracted by water, enriched and purified with MCX solid-phase extraction column and assayed with UPLC-MS/MS. In addition, separated on HILIC column with electrospray ionization in a positive mode (ESI+), the samples were monitored with multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) and the target substances were quantified based on the internal standard method. The three methylimidazoles showed good linearity (R2>0.996) within the range of 5-200 ng/mL, with the detection limit of 5 μg/kg and the quantification limit of 10 μg/kg for all the three substances. At three spiked levels, the recovery rate of all three methylimidazoles were within the range of 82.9%-113.1%,and the relative standard derivation was below 10%. This method features quick detection and high stability while enabling simultaneous determination of three methylimidazoles in oyster sauce, hence is suitable for application in risk monitoring of oyster sauces on the market.
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