Production and scientific research application

Effects of extraction methods on physiochemical and functional properties of dietary fiber in jujube

  • LIANG Zhihong ,
  • YIN Rong ,
  • ZHANG Qianru ,
  • LYU Yingzhong
  • Pomology Institute,Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Taigu 030815,China

Revised date: 2019-09-12

  Online published: 2019-11-15


Compare the effects of different extraction methods on dietary fiber in defective jujube. Using defective & split jujube as test materials, effects of four different extraction methods including alkali method, enzyme method, fermentation method and ultrasonic assisted enzyme method on physiochemical properties and functional characteristics of total dietary fiber (TDF) were studied. Results showed that the TDF extraction rate by fermentation method was the highest, reaching 40.74%, which was 15.57% higher than the lowest extraction rate by alkali method. The TDF purity by ultrasonic assisted enzyme method was the highest, reaching 85.42%, while that by alkali method was only 78.13%, and the alkali method was the lowest. The order of SDF content in TDF from large to small was ultrasonic assisted enzyme method, enzyme method, alkali method and fermentation method. The water holding capacity, swelling power, oil holding capacity, cation exchange capacity, glucose adsorption capacity, cholesterol adsorption capacity and $NO_{2}^{-}$ clearance ability of TDF extracted by ultrasonic assisted enzyme method were significantly higher than those of the jujube powder and other treatments. All the above results showed that ultrasonic assisted enzyme method had obvious effect on modification of jujube powder, which was the best method for producing high-quality dietary fiber.

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LIANG Zhihong , YIN Rong , ZHANG Qianru , LYU Yingzhong . Effects of extraction methods on physiochemical and functional properties of dietary fiber in jujube[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019 , 45(19) : 132 -137 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.021570


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