In order to select an excellent variety of blueberry, Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry(GC-MS) was used to analyse the differences of fruit quality and aromatic substances of 4 blueberries in the Jiaodong Peninsula. The result showed that the fruit shape of Bluecrop was the most oblate, with the highest 100-grain weight and pH value. The flavonoid content of Legacy was the highest, which was 2.41 times higher than that of Bluecrop. The content of total soluble solids (TSS) and reducing sugar was the highest, and the reducing sugar content reaching 2.18 times of that of Legacy. The total phenol content of Emerald was 13.11 mg/g, 29.10% higher than that of Bluecrop; and its anthocyanin content was 2.26 mg/g, 42.51% and 49.69% higher than that of Jewelry and Legacy, and 2.66 times higher than that of Bluecrop. Esters, aldehydes and ketones were the primary aromatic substances in the tested varieties. Among them, the varieties of aromatic substance in Bluecrop (56) was the most, while the total amount of aromatic substances in Emerald(160 5.65 μg/L) was the highest, followed by Jewelry, and Legacy scored the lowest both in the varieties and the amount. The membership function analysis showed that the Jewelry scored the highest, followed by Emerald. Therefore, Jewelry and Emerald could be considered as the first choice of blueberry varieties for fresh food and wine in the Jiaodong area.
IU Xiaohong
WANG Jianping
GU Liang
LI Gongcun
SHA Yufen
ZHAO Lingling
SU Jiaming
. Analysis of fruit quality and aromatic components of different blueberry varieties[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(24)
: 234
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.021599
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