Embedding of environment-sensitive tea-polyphenols using Pichia kudriavzevii A16 ghost cells and its stability were studied. The effects of ingredient proportion, embedding time and temperature were investigated, the process of encapsulation was characterized, and the digestion properties of the microcapsule and the stability of the embedded tea polyphenols were measured. The results showed that the embedding rate of the microcapsule was (68.12±0.35)%, which was close to the theoretical value (69.39%) when embedded for 4 h at 28 ℃ with the ratio of the cell to core of 9:1. The tea polyphenols were found to be embedded in the cell of P. kudriavzevii A16. The total release rate of tea polyphenols in gastrointestinal fluid reached 78.12%. The microcapsule could effectively reduce the loss of tea polyphenols under light and high humidity conditions. In summary, P. kudriavzevii A16 ghost cell can be used as a new microcapsule material to embed tea polyphenols, which increases the utilization of yeast and enhances the stability of environment-sensitive compounds.
MA Ranran
ZHANG Dandan
XU Ying
WANG Junwei
CHENG Shumin
. Tea-polyphenols embedded by Pichia kudriavzevii A16 ghost and its stability[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(16)
: 63
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.020322
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