This study investigated the changes in phenolic compounds in fresh and dried Lycium ruthenicum Murr HeiQi No.1, including total phenolics, total tannins, total anthocyanins, individual anthocyanins and nonanthocyanin phenolic compounds. Comparing with fresh HeiQi No.1, the dried one had 2.10 mg/g and 0.66 mg/g higher total phenolics and total tannins, respectively, and its total anthocyanins was 5.30 mg/g lower. There were eight individual anthocyanins in fresh HeiQi No.1, while there were only four in dried one. In addition, fresh HeiQi No.1 had 6 119.33 μg/g higher individual anthocyanins than the dried, and they both had the highest contents of petunidin-3-O-diglucoside and its acylated derivatives. There were 29 individual nonanthocyanin phenolic compounds in fresh and dried HeiQi No.1, and fresh HeiQi No.1 had 0.54 μg/g lower individual nonanthocyanin phenolic than the dried. In conclusion, drying was beneficial to accumulate total phenolics and tannins of HeiQi No.1, but it reduced the content of total anthocyanins, which can provide a reference for deep processing of HeiQi No.1.
MAO Jinmei
LIU Fenglan
WANG Jianyou
LI Yong
HAN Hongwei
JIANG Jiangzhao
. Phenolic compounds in fresh and dried Lycium ruthenicum Murr HeiQi No.1[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(16)
: 104
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.020249
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