The ‘Red Fuji’ apple was used as a test material, and it was treated by vacuum drying, ice-temperature vacuum drying and freeze vacuum drying to study the effects on apple flavor, nutrients and microstructure. The results showed that the rehydration of ice-temperature vacuum drying was between vacuum drying and freeze-vacuum drying, indicating that the apple slices obtained by this method had a good degree of looseness. The titratable acid content of apple slices after vacuum temperature drying was 1.28 g/100, which was close to the acid 1.305 g/100 g of fresh apples (P>0.05), and the highest mass fraction of soluble solids was 12.57%. The retention rate is 80.95%, which is 43.65% higher than vacuum drying and 40.32% higher than that of vacuum vacuum drying. The highest total phenol content indicates that the dry product obtained by this method has the best quality. The microstructure shows that the apple slices obtained by vacuum drying under ice temperature have the smallest deformation, and the structure of fresh apples is the closest, and there are relatively regular pore-like structures. The vacuum vacuum drying has a small collapse, and the vacuum drying structure has a large deformation. This study provides a theoretical basis for the application of drying methods in food, and further expands the application of ice-temperature vacuum drying technology.
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