The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of chemical compositions of highland barley from different varieties on the functional properties of reconstituted flour, in order to select the most optimal variety for noodle production. The rheological properties of the reconstituted dough composed of highland barley flour, wheat flour and wheat gluten powder, as well as the textural, cooking and microstructural characteristics of the noodles were investigated. The results showed that the rheological properties of reconstituted flour dough with different highland barley were different, which were mostly affected by total starch and dietary fiber of highland barley. For reconstituted noodles, Zangqing 2000 and Kangqing 9 had the best cooking properties, following by Beiqing 8 and Zangqing 27. Beiqing 8 had the most promising texture and shear tensile characteristic, and Zangqing 27 was the next. The starch granules of Zangqing 25, Zangqing 27 and Beiqing 8 were found to be embedded in a regular network evenly and orderly. However, Zangqing 2000 and Kangqing 9 had hard structures, and the granules of QB14 were porous, fragmentary and unevenly distributed. In conclusion, Beiqing 8 was confirmed to be the most optimal variety for noodle production, followed by Zangqing 27, while others showed poorer performances, which provides a theoretical basis and new idea for making highland barley noodles and for developing highland barley industries.
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