The odor-active compounds in four Chinese sesame-flavor Baijiu were extracted and analyzed by liquid-liquid extraction and gas chromatography-mass (GC-MS) respectively. Fifty-seven odor-active compounds were quantitated by GC-MS and their contributions to aroma was ranked by odor activity value (OAV). A total of one hundred and ten compounds were characterized including fifty types of esters and aromatic compounds, twelve types of acids, fifteen types of alcohols, eleven types of aldehydes, seven types of furans and five types of ketones, two types of phenols, four types of Pyrazines and 3-Methylthiopropanol. As the predominant component in the four detected brand of Chinese Baijiu, Jingzhi, Fu Tan Chun 52, Fu Tan Chun 46 and Mei Lanchun, ester accounting for 75.15%, 57.42%, 68.81% and 51.65%, respectively. The 3-methylthiopropanol could be found in Jingzhi and Mei Lanchun, but not in others. The results of OAVs showed that there were totally thirty compounds with OAVs ≥1 in Sesame-flavor Chinese Baijiu and 21, 28, 17 and 18 species presented in Jingzhi, Fu Tan Chun 52, Fu Tan Chun 46 and Mei Lanchun respectively. In which ethyl hexanoate made the greatest contributions (OAVs ≥10 000) to the flavor in the 4 Chinese sesame-flavor Baijiu, followed by ethyl butyrate, ethyl isovalerate, aldehyde.
BAI Leyi
YAN Zhenmin
FENG Mengru
WEI Xinjun
. Analysis of odor-active compounds in four sesame-flavor Chinese Baijiu[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(2)
: 272
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.021363
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