This study aims to determine the optimal packaging methods for adlay noodles under natural storage. Adlay powder was used to substitute 10% and 50% wheat flour to make fine dry noodles. The changes of edible quality and the basic physiochemical indexes of adlay noodles packed with semi-closed paper, fully-closed paper and fully-closed PE were investigated. Results showed that the edible quality of adlay noodles gradually deteriorated with the extension of storage time under three types of packing. When the storage period exceeded six months, adlay noodles lost their edible and commercial value. In addition, a significant correlation existed between the various edible quality indexes and peroxide value, malondialdehyde content (P & lt;0.01), which indicated that the deterioration of edible quality of adlay noodles during storage was mainly caused by lipid oxidation. However, the lipid oxidation rate of adlay noodles with fully-closed PE packaging was slower than semi-closed paper packaging and fully-closed paper packaging, indicating that fully-closed PE packaging could effectively delay the adlay noodles deterioration. Hence the optimum condition for adlay noodles storage was fully-closed PE packaging, and the storage period (shelf life) should not exceed six months.
LI Changfeng
CHEN Guangjing
RAN Chunxia
CHEN Shaoquan
LI Qiang
KAN Jianquan
. Effect of different packaging methods on storage quality of adlay noodles[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(2)
: 231
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.020895
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