In this paper, nano-calcium lactate of food grade was prepared from waste clam shells. The shell was initially neutralized with lactic acid; then in the process of recrystallization, high-speed shearing combined with a small amount of surfactant was added to control the particle size of calcium lactate crystal to achieve nanocrystallization while maintaining dispersion; finally, purification and drying were carried out to obtain nano-calcium lactate. The optimum preparation conditions were determined by single factor and response surface tests in combination with characterization analysis. The results show that food grade nano-calcium lactate with an average particle diameter of 92.5 nm and purity of 99.5% was prepared meeting with the quality requirements of the national standard of food additives, when the shear rate was 7 500 r/min, the shear time was 240 s, and the surfactant Tween 80 was added at a final concentration of 20 μL/L. Compared with the existing methods for preparing nano calcium lactate, the production process has the advantages of simple steps, low cost, environment friendliness, stable and reliable product quality, and is suitable for large-scale production. The results of this study are expected to provide a new way for the comprehensive utilization of abandoned shells.
XU Xia
YANG Bangwei
CAI Yanping
LIU Shulai
LIU Jianhua
DING Yuting
. Preparation and characterization of shell-source nano-calcium lactate[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(2)
: 66
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.021917
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