Effect of blackcurrant polyphenols on lowering blood pressure

  • HE Haiyan ,
  • CHEN Wenye ,
  • YANG Aiping ,
  • JIANG Caiyun ,
  • ZHANG Rui
  • 1 (Jiangsu Vocational Institute of Commerce, Nanjing 211168, China)
    2 (Nanjing University of Finance & Economics, Nanjing 210023, China)

Received date: 2019-08-17

  Online published: 2020-03-13


Plant-derived polyphenols have good blood pressure lowering activity. In this study, blackcurrant polyphenols were extracted with ethanol, purified by ultrafiltration membrane with molecular weight cutoff of 1 kDa, and anthocyanin contained in extraction were also identified. The antihypertensive activities of the blackcurrant polyphenols were evaluated based on hydroxyl radical (·OH) scavenging ability, oxygen-free radical absorption capacity (ORAC), cellular antioxidant activity (CAA), angiotensin- converting enzyme (ACE) inhibition and antihypertensive activity in vivo. The results showed that the less than 1 kDa fraction mainly contained 6 six anthocyanins, such as delphinidin-3-glucoside. The purified blackcurrant polyphenol (less than 1 kDa) had better biological activity than that of the crude extraction. The IC50 value of the hydroxyl radical scavenging ability was (7.12±0.13) mg/mL, the ORAC value was (492.74±1.55) μmol TE/mg DW, the EC50 value of intracellular antioxidant activity was (5.14±0.08) mmol QE/100 g DW, and the IC50 of ACE inhibitory activity is (225.66±1.82) μg/mL. In addition, it showed a lower blood pressure similar to the antihypertensive drug captopril (dose of 10 mg/kg BW) after 4-8 h of intragastric administration in spontaneously hypertensive rats. In conclusion, the study suggests that blackcurrant polyphenols could be used as an excellent antihypertensive food additive for the development of functional foods.

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HE Haiyan , CHEN Wenye , YANG Aiping , JIANG Caiyun , ZHANG Rui . Effect of blackcurrant polyphenols on lowering blood pressure[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020 , 46(3) : 97 -103 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.022009


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