In this study, Lactobacillus brevis was used to ferment jujube juice to produce γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) that can be used as a dietary supplement. The effects of fermentation on the quality of jujube juice were measured by analyzing the dynamic changes in nutrient composition and antibacterial properties of the juice. The results showed that the maximum production of GABA was 288.04 μg/mL when adding 5 g/L L-glutamic acid, inoculated with 8% L. brevis and fermented for 60 h. During 72 h fermentation, total phenol content and the scavenging rates of DPPH· and ABTS·+ all showed an increasing trend at first and then decreased, while the total acid content and the antibacterial activity of the fermentation broth showed upward trends. The jujube juice fermented by L. brevis can provide not only probiotics but also many beneficial nutrients. Therefore, the quality of jujube juice after L. brevis fermentation is obviously better than that before fermentation, which can provide a theoretical basis for developing functional jujube juice beverages that are rich in GABA.
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