Current study investigated anthocyanins synthesized in postharvest Tarocco blood orange, as well as difference in volatile constituents and concentrations between bloody and bloodless fruits by SPME-GC-MS. The results showed that the synthesis of anthocyanins extended from the top to the pedicel of fruits during postharvest storage at low temperature, and the content increased up to 17.5-fold. There were 12 and 13 volatile constituents identified from bloodless orange and bloody orange, and they had 11 compounds in common. Moreover, monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes were predominant in both varieties. After anthocyanins had been synthesized, contents of 9 volatile constitutes (e.g. D-limonene, β-humulene and β-sesquiphellandrene etc.) increased while levels of β-myrcene and geranyl acetone decreased. Besides, changes in the contents of D-limonene and β-humulene were clear, and their contents in bloodless fruit were 78.0% and 21.9%, respectively, of that of bloody fruit. Overall, the synthesis of anthocyanins was associated with increased volatiles in blood orange during postharvest storage at low temperature, which provides information for revealing biological mechanisms to understand the changes in aroma quality of blood orange.
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