Quality evaluation of chia seed oil and its effects on blood glucose regulation of mice in konjac cake

  • QIU Xiaodong ,
  • TAO Ningping
  • Food Science College,Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 2013061,China

Online published: 2019-11-06


In order to study the hypoglycemic effect of konjac cake containing chia seed oil, the physicochemical properties and fatty acid composition of spiral pressed chia seed oil were analyzed by mouse feeding experiment. The results showed that the physicochemical refraction coefficient of chia seed oil was 1.4806; the iodine value was 194g /100g; the saponification value was 190.1mgKOH/g; the insoluble impurity was less than 0.01%; the acid value was 0.55 mgKOH/g; and the peroxide value was 6mmol/kg. In terms of fatty acid composition of chia seed oil, alpha-linolenic acid and linoleic acid accounted for 59.35% and 19.59%, respectively, and PUFA/SFA was 7.07. By comparing the body weight and fasting blood glucose of mice under two different feeding conditions (the group of konjac cake containing chia seed oil, the group of konjac cake without chia seed oil), no significant difference in body weight regulation was found (P>0.05). However, there was a significant difference in fasting blood glucose regulation in mice (P<0.05). The fasting blood glucose values of the two groups were 5.98 mmol/L and 6.84 mmol/L(the model group was 7.99 mmol/L)after feeding, which showed that konjak cake containing chia seed oil had better effects on blood glucose regulation in mice. It provides theoretical basis for the preparation of new products of chia seed oil and konjac powder.

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QIU Xiaodong , TAO Ningping . Quality evaluation of chia seed oil and its effects on blood glucose regulation of mice in konjac cake[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019 , 45(18) : 87 -92 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.020972


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