This study was conducted to extend the shelf life of raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) during storage and transportation. After treatment with CaCl2 or CaCl2 combined with exogenous pectin methylesterase (CaCl2-ePME), the Vc content, total acids and organic acids of raspberry were determined during 4 oC storage. Compared with two treatment methods, CaCl2-ePME was more effective for the stability of tartaric acid, malic acid, citric acid and succinic acid in raspberry. After 12 days of storage, the total acids of control group decreased by 37% contrary to 17% (P<0.05) in experimental group and the Vc content of experimental group was 1.67 times more than control. In conclusion, the combined treatment of CaCl2 and ePME could help maintain the quality and improve the flavor of raspberry, which provides a new preservation technology for raspberry and some other berry fruits.
YANG Xiaoying
FU Maorun
DU Yamin
LIU Yamin
WANG Jinling
DOU Guanglei
. Effects of exogenous pectin methylesterase and calcium chloride on quality of post-harvest raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.)[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(18)
: 130
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.020902
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