Effects of three fungicides on wine quality and their reduction rules

  • XING Shijun ,
  • SHI Ling ,
  • LIU Guangjuan ,
  • ZHOU Ye ,
  • GONG Caixia ,
  • WANG Zirong
  • College of Food Science and Pharmacy,Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi 830000, China

Online published: 2019-11-06


In order to select suitable fungicides for wine grapes and ensure the quality and safety of wine, 5 mg/L thiophanate methyl, 2 mg/L metalaxyl and 5 mg/L azoxystrobin were added to Cabernet Sauvignon grape mash for brewing, respectively. The physical and chemical indexes and sensory quality of grape wines were compared. Whereas the residual pesticides were determined at different stages of production. The results showed that all three pesticides had negative effects on the quality of wine at various degrees. The azoxystrobin had a greater impact on the quality of wine and prolonged the fermentation time significantly, while thiophanate methyl significantly decreased the aroma quality, and metalaxyl had less impact. The three pesticides decreased by around 70% at the end of brewing. It was found that the amounts of pesticides removed at different stages of brewing were in the following order: alcohol fermentation > lactic acid fermentation > aging. Besides, pesticides with weak solid relative polarity had significant adsorption capacity. In conclusion, the fungicides affected the quality of wine, and the less polar pesticides the easier to be removed, which provides some references for fungicides application in wine grapes.

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XING Shijun , SHI Ling , LIU Guangjuan , ZHOU Ye , GONG Caixia , WANG Zirong . Effects of three fungicides on wine quality and their reduction rules[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019 , 45(18) : 189 -194 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.021311


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