In order to evaluate the sensory characteristics of Maopu Tartary Buckwheat Liquor quantitatively and achieve a better control of the product quality, 36 samples (with different grades, styles and production date) were evaluated according to the flavor wheel combined with existing researches on Chinese liquor flavor. The terms that were applicable to describe sensory characteristics of Maopu Tartary Buckwheat Liquor were screened, including 16 aroma description terms, four taste description terms and six mouthfeel description terms. From the aspects of color, brightness, aroma, taste, mouthfeel and style, the flavor wheel of Maopu Tartary Buckwheat Liquor was drawn. Through the flavor profile, the flavor differences among liquor samples of three different grades and styles were clearly and intuitively expressed. The results indicated that the sensory feature descriptors screened based on the flavor wheel could accurately represent the sensory characteristics of the liquor. Overall, flavor wheel can make the sensory evaluation of Maopu Tartary Buckwheat Liquor more direct and quantitative and can consequently guide better quality control.
ZHU Cheng
TONG Guoqiang
YI Xiang
LIU Mingzhi
WAN Zhen
LUO Gaojian
YANG Qiang
. Typical sensory characteristics of Maopu Tartary Buckwheat Liquor based on the flavor wheel[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(18)
: 234
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.020501
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