Production and scientific research application

Optimization of solid beverage process of rosette and dragon fruit by BP neural network combined with genetic algorithms

  • ZHONG Xumei ,
  • CHEN Mingzhong ,
  • ZHUANG Jie ,
  • CHEN Yong ,
  • LIU Jiajing ,
  • YANG Ziqi
  • 1(Yangjiang Polytechnic,Yangjiang 529566 China)
    2(Guangdong Qisheng Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd., Yangjiang 529566 China)

Revised date: 2019-06-18

  Online published: 2019-11-15


Using the extract of the dried rosette and dragon fruit as the core material, and the maltodextrin, the soluble starch and the Arabic gum as the wall material, the solid beverage was prepared by spray drying. The amounts of extract and wall material were determined by single factor experiment, followed by orthogonal design experiment to explore the influences of feed temperature, feed speed and fan speed on spray drying effect of the solid beverage. On the basis of the orthogonal experiment, the parameters were optimized by BP neural network combined with the genetic algorithm and the optimum conditions were: the concentration of rosette and dragon fruit extract of 600 g/L, the inlet air temperature of 131 ℃, the feed speed of 22 mL/min, and the wind speed of 3.1 m3/min. The flour yield of the fruit solid beverage could reach 47.85%, which was 0.73% higher than that of orthogonal experiment. It is feasible to optimize spray drying process with BP neural network combined with genetic algorithm to prepare rosette and dragon fruit solid beverage, which provides a reference for the optimization of deep processing technology of agricultural products.

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ZHONG Xumei , CHEN Mingzhong , ZHUANG Jie , CHEN Yong , LIU Jiajing , YANG Ziqi . Optimization of solid beverage process of rosette and dragon fruit by BP neural network combined with genetic algorithms[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019 , 45(19) : 173 -179 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.021130


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