The near-infrared discrimination model of apple varieties (Gala, Jonagold, Golden Delicious, Hanfu) and shelf life (0, 14, 28 d), which are using the near-infrared spectroscopy technology by means of different spectral pre-processing methods and different spectral bands selections were studied. The results showed that the optimal spectral pre-processing methods for different apple varieties was determined to be within the full wavelength range (408.8 to 4922.8 nm), derivative spectral pretreatment, the positive rate for unknown samples was 85.00% to 95.00%. Apple's shelf life optimal calibration model was in the range of 1108 to 2492.8 nm, and the spectral pretreatment method was standard normal variate(SNV)+ detrend (D)+ first derivative to predict the accuracy of the sample. The accuracy of the sample was from 91.37% to 96.67%. The results demonstrated that near-infrared spectroscopy has applicability to postharvest apple varieties and shelf life testing.
CHEN Shuaishuai
LI Jiangkuo
LI Boqiang
XU Yong
. Near-infrared spectroscopy for qualitative identification of postharvest apple varieties and shelf life[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(19)
: 200
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.018238
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