Research progress in functional bacteria in solid-state fermented Baijiu in China

  • GUO Xuewu ,
  • FAN Endi ,
  • MA Bingtao ,
  • LI Zexia ,
  • ZHANG Yuhang ,
  • ZHANG Zhimin ,
  • CHEN Yefu ,
  • XIAO Dongguang
  • 1(Hebei Hengshui Laobaigan Liquor Group Co. Ltd., Hengshui 053000,China)
    2(Key Laboratory of Industrial Fermentation Microbiology, Ministry of Education, Tianjin Industrial Microbiology Key Lab, College of Biotechnology of Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Tianjin 300457, China)
    3(Key Laboratory of Wuliangye-flavor Liquor Solid-state Fermentation, China National Light Industry,Yibin 644007,China)

Received date: 2019-09-17

  Online published: 2020-03-27


Bacteria are one of the three major microorganisms for Baijiu fermentation. Bacteria that play important roles in the production of Baijiu includes: Bacillus, lactic acid bacteria, and clostridium etc. They produce trace amount of components such as esters, organic acids, pyrazines, terpenes. These components affect the flavor and quality of Baijiu. Because of the important functions of bacteria in Baijiu, and with the advancement in microbial isolation and culturing techniques, as well as in analytical detection techniques, researches on Baijiu fermentation have become more and more in-depth. This paper summaries recent research progress of functional bacteria in Baijiu, and introduces the main functional bacteria and their functions in Baijiu production, aiming to provide reference for future studies of functional bacteria in Baijiu.

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GUO Xuewu , FAN Endi , MA Bingtao , LI Zexia , ZHANG Yuhang , ZHANG Zhimin , CHEN Yefu , XIAO Dongguang . Research progress in functional bacteria in solid-state fermented Baijiu in China[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020 , 46(1) : 280 -286 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.022283


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