Collagen peptides are products from collagen degradation, which have antioxidant properties. Collagen peptides were prepared from sturgeon skin by alcalase, followed by analyzing the composition of sturgeon skin, optimizing the enzymatic condition and revealing the antioxidant properties of enzymatic products. The hydrolysis degree reached 22% at the optimal enzymatic hydrolysis condition: hydrolyzed at pH 9 and 55℃ for 5 h with 3% enzyme. Four polypeptides with different molecular weights were obtained by ultrafiltrating the enzymatic hydrolysate, including SSCP-I (MW>10 000 Da), SSCP-II (MW=5 000-10 000 Da), SSCP-III (MW=1 000-5 000 Da) and SSCP-IV (MW<1 000 Da). Among them, SSCP-III had the highest scavenging ability for superoxide anion radicals with an IC50 of 5.938 mg/mL. This research provides a theoretical guidance for comprehensive processing and high value utilization of sturgeon skin.
LI Luyuan
WANG Shengfan
ZHU Yougui
ZHANG Yinjun
ZHENG Jianyong
. Enzymatic preparation and antioxidant activity of sturgeon skin collagen polypeptide[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(20)
: 138
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.021376
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