In order to comprehensively utilize the by-products of cattle and enrich the varieties of bovine liver products, the process parameters of deodorization, pickling and drying in the production of cured beef liver were optimized by uniform experimental design. The results showed that the optimum parameters of deodorization were dried tangerine peel addition of 1.5% (mass fraction), deodorization time of 3 h, and beef liver to deodorizer ratio of 1∶2. The optimal parameters of pickling and drying were salt content of 3.0%, monascus red content of 0.030%, pickling time of 40 h, fat content of 6%, sodium isoascorbate content of 0.04%, drying time of 11 d, temperature of 40℃, and humidity of 70%. The beef liver processed with optimum conditions has good taste and unique flavor, which provides a scientific basis for the development of bovine liver products.
GUO Liee
ZHU Dandan
HAN Ling
WU Yongqin
LONG Haixia
KONG Qinwen
. Development of a Golden and Silver cured beef liver[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(20)
: 164
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.020586
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